7 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative Description of Deep Inelastic Structure Functions in Light-Front QCD

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    We explore the deep inelastic structure functions of hadrons nonperturbatively in an inverse power expansion of the light-front energy of the probe in the framework of light-front QCD. We arrive at the general expressions for various structure functions as the Fourier transform of matrix elements of different components of bilocal vector and axial vector currents on the light-front in a straightforward manner. The complexities of the structure functions are mainly carried by the multi-parton wave functions of the hadrons, while, the bilocal currents have a dynamically dependent yet simple structure on the light-front in this description. We also present a novel analysis of the power corrections based on light-front power counting which resolves some ambiguities of the conventional twist analysis in deep inelastic processes. Further, the factorization theorem and the scale evolution of the structure functions are presented in this formalism by using old-fashioned light-front time-ordered perturbation theory with multi-parton wave functions. Nonperturbative QCD dynamics underlying the structure functions can be explored in the same framework. Once the nonperturbative multi-parton wave functions are known from low-energy light-front QCD, a complete description of deep inelastic structure functions can be realized.Comment: Revtex, 30 pages and no figur

    Non-linear feedback effects in coupled Boson-Fermion systems

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    We address ourselves to a class of systems composed of two coupled subsystems without any intra-subsystem interaction: itinerant Fermions and localized Bosons on a lattice. Switching on an interaction between the two subsystems leads to feedback effects which result in a rich dynamical structure in both of them. Such feedback features are studied on the basis of the flow equation technique - an infinite series of infinitesimal unitary transformations - which leads to a gradual elimination of the inter-subsystem interaction. As a result the two subsystems get decoupled but their renormalized kinetic energies become mutually dependent on each other. Choosing for the inter - subsystem interaction a charge exchange term (the Boson-Fermion model) the initially localized Bosons acquire itinerancy through their dependence on the renormalized Fermion dispersion. This latter evolves from a free particle dispersion into one showing a pseudogap structure near the chemical potential. Upon lowering the temperature both subsystems simultaneously enter a macroscopic coherent quantum state. The Bosons become superfluid, exhibiting a soundwave like dispersion while the Fermions develop a true gap in their dispersion. The essential physical features described by this technique are already contained in the renormalization of the kinetic terms in the respective Hamiltonians of the two subsystems. The extra interaction terms resulting in the process of iteration only strengthen this physics. We compare the results with previous calculations based on selfconsistent perturbative approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Renormalization of Hamiltonian Field Theory; a non-perturbative and non-unitarity approach

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    Renormalization of Hamiltonian field theory is usually a rather painful algebraic or numerical exercise. By combining a method based on the coupled cluster method, analysed in detail by Suzuki and Okamoto, with a Wilsonian approach to renormalization, we show that a powerful and elegant method exist to solve such problems. The method is in principle non-perturbative, and is not necessarily unitary.Comment: 16 pages, version shortened and improved, references added. To appear in JHE

    Twist Four Longitudinal Structure Function in Light-Front QCD

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    To resolve various outstanding issues associated with the twist four longitudinal structure function FLτ=4(x){F_L^{\tau=4}(x)} we perform an analysis based on the BJL expansion for the forward virtual photon-hadron Compton scattering amplitude and equal (light-front) time current algebra. Using the Fock space expansion for states and operators, we evaluate the twist four longitudinal structure function for dressed quark and gluon targets in perturbation theory. With the help of a new sum rule which we have derived recently we show that the quadratic and logarithmic divergences generated in the bare theory are related to corresponding mass shifts in old-fashioned light-front perturbation theory. We present numerical results for the F2F_2 and FLF_L structure functions for the meson in two-dimensional QCD in the one pair approximation. We discuss the relevance of our results for the problem of the partitioning of hadron mass in QCD.Comment: 25 pages, 2 ps figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review